Saturday 8 January 2011

Nanowrimo extract #3

“It doesn’t seem fair, you know. Because she wanted to live; more than anything. And I…I mean…before I…yeah. And even after meeting you two…it still feels like it was the wrong way round. I got the chance to live that she wanted.” The tears started to well up in her eyes. Dylan put his hand under her chin and pulled her head up to look at him.
“But that’s just…it’s just what happened. It’s not your fault and it’s not…it’s not unfair…it’s just…what it is.” He gently wiped the tears from her cheeks.
“Do you miss her?” Emily said softly, in an almost whisper.
“All the time.” And then he could feel the fears welling up in his eyes too.
“So do I.” And then she kissed him.

He knew it was a mistake as he kissed her back. He knew it was a mistake as he pulled off her top. He knew it was wrong and strange and that they’d regret it. They both knew. But still, they made love that night, and for many nights after. Both trying to make something OK that couldn’t be. Not in that way. Not like that.

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